Added CITATION information to paper in the Journal of Statistical Software.
MOEADr 1.0.3
Changed output class of moead() to moead (instead of moeadoutput). All related functions (plot, summary) and documentation were updated.
Added S3 print function for moead objects
MOEADr 1.0.2
Corrected the version for the two fixes below;
moead() output objects now contain the input configuration used for running the algorithm, for easier reproducibility;
Fixed problem in moead() that was compromising reproducibility when running with irace;
MOEADr 1.0.1
Fixed minor error in vignette “Fine tuning MOEADr using irace”;
Fixed minor error in final Archive composition in moead();
MOEADr 1.0.02017-08-20
Moved package smoof back to Suggestions;
Updated package examples to reflect looser dependency on smoof;
Added summary and plot functions (S3);
Added three more Vignettes to explain different aspects of the package: basic usage; automated algorithm assembling and tuning using irace; and using a user-defined operator with the MOEADr framework;
Added warning / user confirmation in decomposition_sld() to prevent huge population sizes due to mis-specification of a user parameter;
Added preset_moead() to provide fast access to standard configurations from the MOEA/D literature (two “standard MOEA/D” versions and one “MOEA/D-DE”);
MOEADr 0.2.2
Moved package smoof from Suggestions to Imports
Depends updated to R (>= 3.4.0)
MOEADr 0.2.12017-03-20
Added to track changes to the package.
R.utils is no longer imported by the MOEADr package
Skipped some tests on Solaris platforms, which were throwing spurious errors.