S3 method for summarizing CAISEr objects output by run_experiment()). Input parameters test, alternative and sig.level can be used to override the ones used in the call to run_experiment().

# S3 method for CAISEr
summary(object, test = NULL, alternative = NULL, sig.level = NULL, ...)



list object of class CAISEr (generated by run_experiment())


type of test to be used ("t.test", "wilcoxon" or "binomial")


type of alternative hypothesis ("two.sided" or "less" or "greater"). See calc_instances() for details.


desired family-wise significance level (alpha) for the experiment


other parameters to be passed down to specific summary functions (currently unused)


A list object is returned invisibly, containing the details of all tests performed as well as information on the total number of runs dedicated to each algorithm.


# Example using four dummy algorithms and 100 dummy instances.
# See [dummyalgo()] and [dummyinstance()] for details.
# Generating 4 dummy algorithms here, with means 15, 10, 30, 15 and standard
# deviations 2, 4, 6, 8.
algorithms <- mapply(FUN = function(i, m, s){
  list(FUN   = "dummyalgo",
       alias = paste0("algo", i),
       distribution.fun  = "rnorm",
       distribution.pars = list(mean = m, sd = s))},
  i = c(alg1 = 1, alg2 = 2, alg3 = 3, alg4 = 4),
  m = c(15, 10, 30, 15),
  s = c(2, 4, 6, 8),

# Generate 100 dummy instances with centered exponential distributions
instances <- lapply(1:100,
                    function(i) {rate <- runif(1, 1, 10)
                                 list(FUN   = "dummyinstance",
                                      alias = paste0("Inst.", i),
                                      distr = "rexp", rate = rate,
                                      bias  = -1 / rate)})

my.results <- run_experiment(instances, algorithms,
                             d = 1, se.max = .1,
                             power = .9, sig.level = .05,
                             power.target = "mean",
                             dif = "perc", comparisons = "all.vs.all",
                             seed = 1234, ncpus = 1)
#> CAISEr running
#> -----------------------------
#> Required number of instances: 17
#> Available number of instances: 100
#> Using 1 cores.
#> -----------------------------
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.28 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.80 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.22 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.9 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.5 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.38 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.16 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.4 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.86 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.90 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.70 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.79 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.78 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.14 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.56 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.62 : ..
#> Sampling algorithms on instance Inst.93 : ..
#> #====================================
#>  CAISEr object:
#>  Number of instances sampled: 17
#>  Number of instances required: 17
#>  Adequate power: TRUE
#>  Total runs of algo1 : 340
#>  Total runs of algo2 : 369
#>  Total runs of algo3 : 505
#>  Total runs of algo4 : 621
#> #====================================
#>  Pairwise comparisons of interest:
#>  Test: t.test
#>  H1: two.sided
#>  Comparisons: all.vs.all
#>  Alpha (FWER): 0.05
#>  Power target: mean
#>  Desired power: 0.9
#> #====================================
#> Tests using Holm's step-down procedure:
#>  Test 1 : algo2 x algo3
#>  H0: mean = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.008333 
#>  p-value	= 7.553e-30
#>  Est. mean	= -1.211
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ -1.227 -1.196 ]
#>  d		= -57.90465
#>  Test 2 : algo1 x algo3
#>  H0: mean = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.01 
#>  p-value	= 1.462e-29
#>  Est. mean	= -0.8402
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ -0.8509 -0.8295 ]
#>  d		= -55.56286
#>  Test 3 : algo3 x algo4
#>  H0: mean = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.0125 
#>  p-value	= 4.493e-23
#>  Est. mean	= 0.8085
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ 0.7832 0.8338 ]
#>  d		= 21.82551
#>  Test 4 : algo2 x algo4
#>  H0: mean = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.01667 
#>  p-value	= 2.056e-20
#>  Est. mean	= -0.4029
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ -0.4204 -0.3853 ]
#>  d		= -14.86694
#>  Test 5 : algo1 x algo2
#>  H0: mean = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.025 
#>  p-value	= 1.283e-19
#>  Est. mean	= 0.3712
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ 0.3544 0.388 ]
#>  d		= 13.25217
#>  Test 6 : algo1 x algo4
#>  H0: mean = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.05 
#>  p-value	= 0.008827
#>  Est. mean	= -0.0317
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ -0.05424 -0.009154 ]
#>  d		= -0.7229391
#> #====================================

# You can override some defaults if you want:
summary(my.results, test = "wilcoxon")
#> #====================================
#>  CAISEr object:
#>  Number of instances sampled: 17
#>  Number of instances required: 17
#>  Adequate power: TRUE
#>  Total runs of algo1 : 340
#>  Total runs of algo2 : 369
#>  Total runs of algo3 : 505
#>  Total runs of algo4 : 621
#> #====================================
#>  Pairwise comparisons of interest:
#>  Test: wilcoxon
#>  H1: two.sided
#>  Comparisons: all.vs.all
#>  Alpha (FWER): 0.05
#>  Power target: mean
#>  Desired power: 0.9
#> #====================================
#> Tests using Holm's step-down procedure:
#>  Test 1 : algo1 x algo2
#>  H0: median = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.008333 
#>  p-value	= 1.526e-05
#>  Est. median	= 0.3768
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ 0.3547 0.3977 ]
#>  d		= 13.25217
#>  Test 2 : algo1 x algo3
#>  H0: median = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.01 
#>  p-value	= 1.526e-05
#>  Est. median	= -0.8388
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ -0.8532 -0.8289 ]
#>  d		= -55.56286
#>  Test 3 : algo2 x algo3
#>  H0: median = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.0125 
#>  p-value	= 1.526e-05
#>  Est. median	= -1.215
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ -1.227 -1.196 ]
#>  d		= -57.90465
#>  Test 4 : algo2 x algo4
#>  H0: median = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.01667 
#>  p-value	= 1.526e-05
#>  Est. median	= -0.3987
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ -0.4211 -0.382 ]
#>  d		= -14.86694
#>  Test 5 : algo3 x algo4
#>  H0: median = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.025 
#>  p-value	= 1.526e-05
#>  Est. median	= 0.8062
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ 0.7821 0.8341 ]
#>  d		= 21.82551
#>  Test 6 : algo1 x algo4
#>  H0: median = 0
#>  alpha		= 0.05 
#>  p-value	= 0.02016
#>  Est. median	= -0.0296
#>  CI{1-alpha}	= [ -0.06164 -0.01526 ]
#>  d		= -0.7229391
#> #====================================